Last time I made them I used carob chips, since they were languishing in the fridge and needed to be used sooner than our chocolate chips did. They were so delicious we used them again this time.
These are quickly becoming a favorite around here, and only take about twenty minutes to put together. The tough part is letting them cool off before you try to cut them apart. This time, almost as soon as I'd patted the top flat, Pete was asking when we could eat them. I said 15 minutes, but five is all I can stand. When they are warm, these are really nice and gooey. Just be sure you do all the cutting when they're still warm-ish (they're softer that way).
Second up, in the "actually healthy" and savory department, curried lentil burritos a la Pete. He made this up one day a few weeks ago, and we're guessing that he did it the same way tonight. We ate them too fast for a photo, but here's some of the ingredients he used:
So delicious. Maybe some day we'll get the recipe out of him, but I think he basically just cooks up some lentils, onion, garlic, maybe some cauliflower and potato, carrot, whatever's around, then throws it all in a big skillet and adds curry powder and a touch of cayenne. Wrap it up in a warm tortilla, and you're set!
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